Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Today I got an email from my friend who was licensed just a month after us. They have had a sweet little baby for the past 6 months and learned today in court that as of next week he will be going to live with his grandparents. We have been talking a lot over the last 6-7 months about having to say goodbye to our little ones...the first ones :( It really is the best situation for him to be in because it is with stable family members, but that doesn't make it any easier for them to say goodbye. Due to recent changes in Little Man's case it is possible that he could be here for quite a while yet depending on particular choices that are made on bio-mom's part. Each month, week and day that passes it gets harder and harder to even think about saying goodbye :( I'm really not sure how people become foster parents without a relationship with Christ...REALLY!!!

On another note...we will be welcoming our 3rd respite baby here tonight!! There is a small chance an emergency travel order will be granted in court this afternoon, but not likely to happen. The baby will be here until Monday night! I was half asleep when the person called, and totally forgot to ask about the gender! LOL! My *feeling* however is that it is a girl :) We'll see if I'm right!! So...I am going to go to the store this afternoon and am going make a few meals to freeze for the next several days! All laundry is done and things are "caught up" on. I know I will not have much time for this with a newborn (in addition to everyone else's needs!) in the next 5 days :)

1 comment:

Mary H. said...

Now that's good planning! Hope LM is feeling better!