Tuesday, January 18, 2011

WIC office

Today was back to the WIC office for recertification for LM. I was so glad to see that they not only changed the building but also the way they did things! I was in and out of there in less than an hour...for a full appt that is record setting from what I have experienced! lol! It's a bit quicker because he's foster and we don't have to do the financial stuff, etc, but the new process is so much more efficient. That makes me super happy!!! Today I got the comment "I wish more moms were like you. You are rare!" Why did I get such a wonderful compliment?? LOL!!! I feed my child fruits and vegetables EVERY day! (yes, sometimes the veggies are hidden in things like spaghetti sauce, but he gets them!) :) It's quite sad that most people don't give their child the best start possible nutritionally. It is the basis for healthy eating habits for the rest of their lives. Maybe America wouldn't be so obese huh? Then I was sitting in the lobby and saw the cutest baby. The Mom was speaking to another woman and I overheard that he was 3 months...awwww! Then she said that she fed him stage 2 baby foods and he was eating cornbread the other day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 months old!!!!!!!!!! WHAT????? At 3 months old he wears the same size diaper as LM! I think the education piece of WIC is missing. Of course maybe the women just will do whatever they want no matter what they know to be best, but maybe there needs to be a revamp there too!


MamaFoster said...

my last visit to the WIC office was HORRIBLE! the first one was fine :) i did think they did more "education" than I have seen thus far.

the one thing i like about WIC is that you can only buy certain stuff unless food stamps. (i assume anyway, I haven't used food stamps before)

Lynn Woes said...

I think most WIC offices do pretty good letting moms know only formula or mom's milk the first 6 months but maybe they need to talk more about WHY because I see the same thing- little babies being offered table food when less than 6 months old. Then they act proud that there baby is eating table foods as if it is a milestone to try to achieve early. Those poor little tummies trying to digest that stuff so young!

Our Journey said...

That is exactly what happened Lynn! She was beaming that her 3 month old ate cornbread! Stunned!

Unknown said...

I am visiting the WIC office for the first time next week..oughtta be interesting...

Our Journey said...

@pipslou...your first time is going to be an adventure! :) I like our new office much better because now it's just WIC. The old office had multiple purposes and it was a bit much my first time! Seeing the 16 yo kids walk by in handcuffs and feet shackles winking at me like they are hot stuff...whoa! So sad :( You'll have to be sure to post about your experience :)