Sunday, August 9, 2009

New Blog!

Many of you switching over here are already familiar with our family, but I wanted this journey to be a public blog so I could connect with others and together we can walk thorough this journey of foster care! I was going to switch over and make this our family blog and just not use names, but I got a little spooked when I heard about a picture from a family blog being copied and the child being listed for adoption! I just want to protect all involved, so for that reason this will be a blog of more information and not many pictures and certainly no full names to protect our children as well as the foster children that will grace our home :)

For the rest of you who are not familiar with our family I will do a small sort of introduction....

Mr. M is my awesome husband of 8 years. Together we have adopted our two sons, A. who is 5 (adopted domestically) and I. age 3 (adopted from Korea). We live in FL and I will begin homeschooling A. in just a few weeks! We serve the Lord with passion and want to glorify Him with and through our lives!

We are on the very beginning of this journey! We start the MAPP training classes on Thursday so I will be sure to post about that whole process as well the homestudy and beyond! Please leave a comment and let me know who you are and what brought you here. :)


Created For His Glory said...

Congrats!!! I can't wait to follow your fostercare journey :)

I think you know me... LOL!

Kari said...

I am thrilled to see how God is going to use your journey in care for kids in foster care for His Glory!!!

Josie said...

How exciting, can't wait to hear all about it.

Cheri said...

Found you and added you to my Bloglines.

I am so looking forward to hearing about your foster care journey. Thank you for trusting God enough to share your journey publicly!