Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Some of you may know from my other blog, but my 7 week old niece passed away a few days ago. She was born a very special little girl with significant special needs, but that didn't matter. She affected so many lives of people around her and many she never even met (me included). The boys and I have been talking about heaven where little Selah now lives and how we may be sad on earth, but in heaven Selah is healed and whole and she gets to be with Jesus! (Oh and out of the blue they are excited to get there and talk to David from the Bible to hear first-hand more about the battle with Goliath! lol!)

I think this has brought babies back to the forefront of A's mind (it's been awhile since our last respite) and he was asking "Mom, when are we going to have another baby?" I told him that was up to God and He would choose. I didn't know. Then he said "I want 2 3 babies!" That's when I said he'd have to help Mommy feed the babies and change their diapers! Mr. I chimed in to be silly and said he wanted 19 babies to live here! Oh my! I can't even imagine-LOL! I am so blessed to have children with open and willing hearts. Children that want to take care of and LOVE others!

Several people have asked me why my sister and her husband would choose a special needs child *knowing* her time on earth would be very short. There are many reasons, but mostly every child deserves to know love and a have a family and although they knew her days were numbered, so are ours! We simply don't have the luxury of knowing the *when.* Our last day on earth could be today. Have you savored every moment with your loved ones? Have you lived life to the fullest? Have you LOVED? How would you feel if you found out you were going to die in 4 weeks and everyone around you said "oh well...they are going to die. I'm not going to invest anymore time, love or energy into them." OUCH! That unfortuantely is how many of the doctors/nurses in the hospital viewed my niece :( Every life has value no matter the length of time!!!

PLEASE take the time to pray and consider adopting a child (here or around the world), consider becoming a foster parent, sponser a child through an adoption agency, financially support someone you know who is adopting, be there to give the tangibles as well (a meal, clean house, yard work, etc), PRAY for the families who have said YES to a child, and more!

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