Friday, March 1, 2013

And so it continues...

Here we go....Uncle/Aunt are supposed to have a visit this weekend so I went ahead and made plans for the other boys and I to do activities that are just easier done without a 2 yr old.  The older boys are really excited.

I didn't hear from Uncle all day yesterday to confirm, so I texted him at 7pm.  I didn't get a response until after 10pm asking me to change his visit from this weekend to next weekend so he can be there for some "2nd chance at life" party" they are having for his sister.  I am assuming it's her adoption day party or something similar because she's never had any other issues.  I digress....

At first I was thinking how I now have to disappoint my boys and reschedule everything.  I literally lost sleep over this garbage!  I am tired of jumping when he says jump though, so I texted him back this morning and simply said that this is very last minute and unfortunately I can't change the visit because I already have plans.  I also mentioned that I would be willing to bring Choo Choo to the party next weekend if they would like that.  Compromise?

No response as of yet...I probably won't hear anything for awhile.  What would you have done?  I am so tired of my life being ruled by foster care.  Yes, we are foster parents and we have a "job" to do, but when we schedule everything (court, staffings, visits, etc) around it already I feel like I have to say STOP at some point.  As a side note....after the CM's visit yesterday between March 13 and May 6th we have FIVE court hearings and a staffing!!!!!!!  All those babysitters, disrupted schedules, etc!  Yep....however this goes at the end of it we see a NICE LONG BREAK from foster care.  We need to remember what (sort of) normal looks like :)


The Campbell's Journey said...

At this point, I would be putting my foot down and holding them to their scheduled visit. Of course you can't force them to visit this weekend but you can say no to next weekend.

Angie said...

God doesn't ask us to be door mats for people. There are appropriate boundaries to set in all relationships and I believe you have been cordial, flexible and you have merely set a boundary for you and your family (including choo-choo). Don't let the devil beat you up.

I'm praying for God's grace to cover you and the whole family.

Vertical Mom said...

I totally agree with what you did. It's inconsiderate. I think it's reasonable to say no in this case. It's not like you're saying that Choo Choo can't go to their house.

Cherub Mamma said...

I totally feel your pain. Unfortunately the person that seems to take pleasure in messing with my schedule is the CPS worker herself! I feel like my hands are completely tied.

In your case, you did good! Setting boundaries with the bio family is a very good thing!! It's unfortunate that ChooChoo has to be put through this. I hope you get an end to all of this soon.