Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The aftermath

It really hasn't been as bad as I had expected...THANK YOU LORD! He is sleeping fine. The only issue is that he is super clingy! His cm came today to get him as usual for his visit with Dad and he cried and clung to me. He had been doing really well with these visits and I explained to her that this is what happens when you hand a baby over to strangers...he's a smart baby and he knew why she was here! :(

Dad usually texts me to tell me if he has money to buy Baby lunch or if he would like me to send one. I got a text yesterday saying they were going out to eat. Great :) Last night I had to take my5 yo son to the ER because he broke his arm (ahhh!) Well, while there my cell battery died and I didn't plug it in until this morning after Baby left. There was a message from Dad saying he didn't end up getting paid yesterday and please pack a lunch. Ummmmm......too late! I texted the CM and asked her to give Dad a couple of bucks so Baby could eat! Sheesh! Thank God she had $5 on her :)

Let me tell you how "nice" it was to be sitting at the hospital with a child not having to worry about notifying a parent, CM, GAL or anyone else that he was there-LOL! Life as a foster parent :) In the past 4 months 3 of my children have been in the ER/admitted....I am praying over #4 like crazy! :) Moosie was his finger, then Baby with RSV and Isaac with a broken arm from those evil monkey bars!!! We've had the same doctor twice (I really like him) and several of the same nurses. Maybe we can get a frequent member card or something! lol! I knew Isaac would be the first with a broken bone and I know we have many more visits to the ER ahead with 4 wild boys!!

As a little side story...let me tell you it was the most interesting ER visit yet! In the 1/2 or so we had to wait we met the "toothless" family (children have no tact!lol!), the lady crying/vomiting/and "acting scary" and then there was the girl who was clearly not mentally stable who walked up to me, got in my face and asked me to cut her hospital bracelet off (she also later asked someone for alcohol too and stood in the vomiting woman's face and kept asking how old she was...the cuts up this girl's arms were hard to look at :( ). Once we were finally in the back (only separated by a very thin curtain) a 13 yr old girl was getting Baker Acted :( Rough night in the ER!


MamaFoster said...

i'm curious...does your worker/agency expect you guys to provide the lunch food/money for the parent? also, are you expected to pay the social worker back the $5? at my agency that is part of the parent proving that they can take care of the child...but different social workers will tell you different things.

One time the only nice thing the social worker could say about Lizzy's legal dad after a visit was "well, he did try to give her a snack." I asked what it was and then said, "I packed that for her." There went that .

Just curious.

Our Journey said...

I can't really say if that's an expectation or not...I just do it. In this case I usually sent food because he was on infant stuff and I wanted him to be fed the right formula, etc. Once he started on solids I sent a lunch (because I didn't know of Dad's ability to feed him since he didn't have a job) and I think it gives me peace of mind to know something is available. I stopped sending them because Dad told me they were not needed. I was really glad to see Dad step up, but now it's hit or miss and I think "if he can't even buy the kid lunch how is he going to support him full time???" I will not be paying her the $5...he can do that!

Cherub Mamma said...

Our kids aren't allowed any food or drink during visits. I'm sure they make exceptions for babies. But - even though Pumpkin's visits are at 5:00 to 7:00PM, she's not allowed to eat during the visit. I have to give her a snack before the visit and then feed her when she gets home.

And since she's usually a little out of it after a visit, I literally have to spoon-feed her in order to get her to eat.

I hate visit days!!

As far as your little guy goes -- I think it's horribly scary that Dad can't consistently be counted on to provide the expected meal during a visit. I truly question whether or not he'd be able to successfully support the baby full time!!!

Our Journey said...

Wow...that's interesting. Baby HAS to eat on visits. He left at 9am this morning. It's now 5:30pm and my baby is not back yet. It's bad enough he doesn't get a nap! He is going to be soooooo hungry when he gets back! Dad texted to say Baby wasn't feeling good today and that he had a fever. The CM said he was fine (he is currently with her at someone else's court hearing...nice). Poor baby is going to be a mess when he gets home!