Sunday, April 15, 2012

Getting excited :)

In just 12 shorts days my first "baby" will be 8 years old!!! We will be blessed to actually have family in town to help us celebrate! When you live in FL, have guests and a birthday, what better place to celebrate than Disney??!! My older two kiddos have been to Disney 2 times before, but now they are taller and able to do more. This will be Moosie and Baby's first time at Disney!!! I cannot wait to be there to experience it all with them :) If Baby leaves us this could very well be his only chance to experience Disney and I will have lots of pictures!! This will also be my nephew and neice's first time (they are 9 and 6). I think it will be a lot of work with two little ones, but it will also be BLAST at the Mouse House!!!

For FL resident right now they have 3 days tickets for just $99 a person!!!! So...the kids get to go not once, but 3 times in the next 5 weeks!! I think in May we'll rent a place over there for the night and make a mini-vacation out of it and use the other 2 days (need to be used by May 24th).

Being the organized dork that I am, I already have a list of all the essential things to have with us at all times in the backpack :) Now I need to find the most brightly colored t-shirts I can find and I plan to get a cute iron-on for them so my kids are uniform and easy to pick out of the crowd. I plan to pin their (first) name and my cell number on the inside of their shirt in case they get lost. It happened to my nephew several years ago (got separated from the crowd of us!) and he found a stranger, handed them the paper and said "please call my mom and dad." Thank God he was found and returned to the group quickly. No matter how many precautions we take, you never know when something might happen. The littles will of course be in the double stroller although I would like to let Michael walk some (I'm sure he'll be begging). I hate those leash things, but with a kid like Michael in a big crowd like that, I'm thinkin' it just might be better to have one for him versus losing him! Hee longer a foster child I now can use it!!

I welcome any other comments on suggestions for other good ideas to keep in mind!!!

1 comment:

t. marie said...

How exciting! Have fun!