Monday, April 2, 2012


I got a text from Baby's GAL this morning saying she was meeting with Bio-Dad today, do I want to come? Ummm....ok! A bit later I get a text from Dad telling me about the meeting (surprised!) His mother is in the hospital and he is leaving town tonight to go see her. That meant that he would miss his visit again this week, so I offered to bring baby with me so he could see him as well chatted.

We got there and Baby freaked out! :( It was across the street from where we meet aunt/uncle and he knew something was up! He calmed down after he realized I was staying and of course the french fries didn't hurt either! LOL!

Basically we wanted Dad to know that he has options. I think after our meeting he realized that it's not looking good for him to get baby back because he's just in a hard place now (and no one sees that changing soon). bullet format here is what the meeting was brought down to...

  • Do not trust what anyone said UNLESS it came straight from them
  • Dad WILL NOT give up his rights...he said they'd have to take them from him
  • Dad does not have the disdain for aunt/uncle as I was told
  • Dad wants baby to have a real relationship with his siblings
  • Dad is appreciative of all we have done for baby and didn't want to hurt my feelings (don't worry...I assured him that we want what is best for's not about US!)
  • I love our GAL even more today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At the end of our meeting the GAL was SO SWEET and gave Dad the bus fare he'd need to get to his very sick $100! Then she handed me a one-hour massage gift certificate!!!!! She said "if anyone deserves it, it has to be you!" As if that were not enough, as we were saying our goodbyes she said to hold on a second...she came back with a bag full of snacks for Dad for his train trip and a whole Easter basket full of goodies for my boys!!!!!!!!!! It is amazing the people we have met on this journey. There are some really stinky things about foster care, but I can see that as much as she made an impact on us, we have made an impact on her too. She now is openly talking about God and said she has started praying, especially for this case! It's exciting!
Shining on!

To sum up...I have this gut feeling that baby will leave us...court in June is going to be tough. I will be sure to have my Kleenex handy! I trust that we have done everything that we can do in our earthly power and no matter the outcome God will receive all the glory and we can have PEACE. Now of course I will be a blubbery mess, but I think that goes without saying!


Created For His Glory said...


MamaFoster said...

What a neat meeting

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a cool meeting. You've got a really nice GAL!

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Ummm....WOW- EMOTIONAL!!! I think I might be a mess with you!!!

PRAYING for peace throughout this process that is sooo very hard! It is hard when he said that she said, and some people don't seem to say what they really mean. UGH!

PRAYING with you!!!

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Ummm....WOW- EMOTIONAL!!! I think I might be a mess with you!!!

PRAYING for peace throughout this process that is sooo very hard! It is hard when he said that she said, and some people don't seem to say what they really mean. UGH!

PRAYING with you!!!

StarfishMom said...

God's will...not ours. Praying for you for peace no matter what decision is made.