Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Visit today

Baby (12 months old) came home from his visit today with Root Beer in his cup! :( I texted his Dad and asked him only to give water or milk. He said he didn't think it would hurt him. Foster care is crazy! It really makes you see things from lots of people's perspectives! Something I would never do as a parent is no big deal to another. Thank the Lord we have a good relationship with Dad and I can express things like that him.

The CM brought baby home (spent some of his visit at the DMV!) really late and then walked in and said she lost the contact sheet from last week so can she do another one now? Umm...0k...dinner is on the stove, my kids are crazy right now, but come on in! :) She filled out her form (pretty much same as last week) and then said that she had a 1/2 hour talk with Dad about adoption and housing, etc. He told her that he was looking into a place, but it was $1200 (first and last month's rent) to move in and he was saving the money. She mentioned AGAIN that he has ONE month to complete this. This has been his cycle. He is always trying to save up for a place, but then a trip comes up or some other expense and his balance is back at $0. I guess we will see what happens this time!

The CM mentioned that we would be interested in adopting Baby, so that's good and on the table...now I feel a bit more comfortable expressing our interest personally. He basically wants things to pretty much stay the way they are (Baby in foster care and getting to see him once a week) indefinitely. Too bad (for him) things don't work that way. CM mentioned again very clearly to him and me that they want the case CLOSED! I am hoping that doesn't mean they will do anything to close it!

So...like I mentioned before. Even though the case plan is up on April 1, nothing much can really happen until court in June.

Oh...still waiting on pins and needles to hear when our finalization date will be!!!


MamaFoster said...

Awesome. :/. Hope they terminate soon

Rachael said...

I worked for years in a playroom at a shelter for victims of domestic violence, and this happened ALL THE TIME. We stocked so much milk, and moms would send kids in with lemonade or Kool-Aid or soda in their bottles. So sad.

I'm glad the worker mentioned adoption to the dad, so you didn't have to be the first one to bring it up. I hope it goes as smoothly as possible!