Monday, June 13, 2011

Update in bullets :)

  • We have not received any more phone calls from LM's bio-mom. I have to say that I am very surprised she has not called from another number. I don't know how many times she has tried to call us from the # we have for her, but who cares?! They aren't coming through so that is peaceful :)

  • I had my house all sparkling and pretty today for our licensing sw and her supervisor to come over...cancelled!! Of course! We are trying again tomorrow...hopefully it happens!

  • Baby is going on a sibling visit tomorrow again. It is still up in the air about the weekend. Just in case I am writing everything down because I'll probably get a couple hours notice again. I asked her to tell me ASAP because this weekend is packed with swim class, LM's birthday (2!!!!!!) and Father's day.

  • Court is at 10:15 on Wednesday for front of a new general magistrate. Yes...ANOTHER new person who does not know anything about A. and this case. Still waiting to see if I have a sitter so I am able to attend.