Thursday, December 8, 2011

Little Man's visit

Today was Little Man's CM's monthly visit. Everything went fine and all the kids show off a bit and they have fun with him. As he was filling out his paperwork the last question he always asks is "Is there anything you need?" Usually my answer is "no" but today I enthusiastically said "A signed court order for termination of rights!" :-)

TOMORROW will be a game changing day!!! Rak Chazak!!! (See the War Cry post :) ) I'm white-knuckled for my boy!!! The warfare in my home is very real this week....whoa!!! I have asked more than once who these children are?! All 6 of us are sick in some way or another and yesterday my back totally clenched up and I could barely walk/bend over/lift baby. It's all good though because I know I am fighting FROM victory and FREEDOM is coming for my boy!!!!


MamaFoster said...

Rak Chazak, Rak Chazak...

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRAYING With you for you, over your family, over the court room, IN THE NAME OF JESUS LITTLE MAN NEEDS TO BE FREED TO LIVE WITH HIS FOREVER GOD FEARING AND GOD CHASING FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!