Tuesday, December 1, 2009

He's here!

We got a call this evening that a little 5 mo old baby boy was abandoned and needed a home! We of course said yes! He is here :) He arrived sleeping and Mr. A and Mr. I were disappointed. He woke up about 1/2 hour later screaming his little lungs out! LOL! He is a heavy little guy and doesn't look like he's missed many feedings at all. He LOVES the Christmas tree and the looking at the lights got him to stop crying and I even got some smiles and laughs :) He is simply sweet! He had a bottle about 8:30 and fell asleep after some bouncing in my arms in about 5 min. Not bad! Poor thing has had a very long and hard day...praying we all get some sleep tonight! My other two are both not feeling well so I joked with Mr. M that God was preparing me this week for a baby! :)

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