Saturday, February 5, 2011

Chicken legs!

Little Grape (aka Bulldog) is doing very well!! Check out those scrawny legs! :) He is such a peanut but oh so sweet! Just a few things about our new little cherub....

**His hunger switch "turned on" last night and all the sudden he is drinking over 60ml each feeding (he was about 40-45 when he came a couple days ago).

**He scruches up his face and his forehead gets all wrinkly (hence the Bulldog name!)

**At night he is sleeping in 4-5 hour stretches already!

**He is the BEST burper I have ever cared for! He burps in about 10 seconds :) A timesaver for this mommy for sure! LOL!

**All 3 of the other boys have swooned over him and Little Man actually throws knock down tantrums when his turn is over or if he sees one of the other boys (or Daddy!) holding him.

He has blessed our home and we are tickled to have him here :)
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1 comment:

Mandy said...

Sounds like he is a sweet heart. Enjoy him for as long as God allows him to be in your family!